NSU Horizons Spring 2012

18 HORIZONS nationally accredited shelter and state- certi ed, full-service center to prevent domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale, said being able to provide dental care at the shelter plays a key part in helping women rebuild their lives—and in restoring their self-esteem. “A lot of our women have not had access to dental care for many years,” Riedel said. “Some have been prevented [by their abuser] from seeking care. Over the last year, signi cant care—care that cannot be measured in dollars—was provided from NSU to the clients. On the human level, it’s transformational. And I think it has had an impact on the dental students as well.” Riedel said Claudette agreed to give a presentation to the students about what her life was like before she got help, about how her husband injured her mouth, breaking her teeth with his sts. She said she had been unable to get treatment because he controlled all the money. “Several of the students were actually brought to tears,” Riedel said. “Many came up to her and thanked her for sharing her story.” Claudette feels just as appreciative. “The NSU program reconstructed my mouth completely and has given me con dence. I thank God for that program,” she said. “It has really, really made a difference in my life.” Patients at the HIV-AIDS clinic are another population that has had trouble receiving necessary dental care, Abel said, dating back to the days when people weren’t sure how the virus that can lead to AIDS was spread. “Our Oakland Park HIV dental clinic is probably the largest in the Southeast. We want our students to be comfortable treating HIV/AIDS patients, and if they have any stereotypes in their minds before they go in there, they are soon dispelled,” he said. Lisa Layman, NSU’s program coordinator at the dental clinic, said the service opened in 2008 with 6 dental chairs, but that has since doubled to 12. The services are paid for through a grant to Broward County from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Ryan White College of Dental Medicine students gain practical experience both in the classroom and in on-site laboratories.