Horizons Fall 2014

19 HORIZONS A stream of kayaks and paddleboards cruise the waters in John U. Lloyd State Park in Dania Beach, but it’s not a recreational day on the water. An impor- tant task is at hand. Kate Correia, first-year graduate student and full-time research assistant at Nova South- eastern University’s Oceanographic Center (OC), leads 17 students and 4 faculty and staff members on a coastal cleanup of the park. “We were able to pick up enough trash to fill an entire dumpster,” said Correia, adding that a storm rolled in during the cleanup “so we had to end about an hour early for safety reasons.” She estimated that, in only a few hours, about 300 to 500 pounds of trash were collected from the waterways and beaches surrounding the park in which the OC is located. at nsu, it's easy to be by michelle f. solomon