Horizons Fall 2013

40 HORIZONS n WHAT PROGRAM ARE YOU IN? I’m in the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences with a double major in legal studies and philosophy, graduating May 2014. n WHY DID YOU CHOOSE NSU? NSU offered numerous opportunities that other schools did not; the Razor’s Edge Leadership Development Program is an excellent example. n WHAT ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES ARE YOU INVOLVED IN? I’m involved in the Undergraduate Student Government Association (SGA), Razor’s Edge, Residential Life and Housing (as an RA), Ablaze Christian Ministries, and the Undergraduate Honors Program. n WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NSU TRADITION? Definitely the annual “Anything that Floats Raft Race.” This event is so much fun every year. Groups, each consisting of six students, get together and build a raft. The winners of the race are given $1,000 for their organization. Everyone comes out to watch their friends attempt to race their rafts (most of which don’t float very well!). n WHAT ARE YOU MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT? There are two things I am passionate about here at NSU. First, seeing Shark pride grow as the student government fulfills its mission of representing the students. And, second, seeing a strong, welcoming, gospel-centered Christian community thrive at NSU through Ablaze. n WHAT IS THE BEST PART ABOUT BEING A SHARK? NSU is an amazing place to grow personally and intellectually. The best part about being a Shark is having so many opportunities to excel. n WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO BECOME INVOLVED IN SGA? I wanted to have a positive impact on campus and getting involved in the SGA was a golden opportunity to do so. I applied as a freshman for an open residential senator position. As a senior, this is now my fourth year on the SGA. I am now the president. n WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CLASS OR WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE PROFESSOR? This is a hard one! I’ve had many outstanding classes with great professors. But, my favorite class would have to be Epistemology with Professor [David] McNaron. I love philosophy as it is, and Epistemology was no exception. Professor McNaron was great at breaking down complex philosophical problems in ways we could understand. n WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO LIVE ON CAMPUS? I was accepted into the Razor’s Edge Leadership Development program, an immersive four-year leadership program/scholarship. One of the requirements was to live on campus. n WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TO A STUDENT WHO LIVES ON CAMPUS? Living on campus gives you an incredible amount of opportunities. I think it’s unlikely I would have been able to participate in nearly the amount of campus activities had I not lived on campus. n WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON CAMPUS? I’m a devoted coffee drinker, so this is an easy call. Starbucks! n WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER ASPIRATIONS? I want to pursue a career in law as an attorney. n WHAT IS A FUN FACT WE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT YOU? I’m the oldest of six siblings! n NAME: Daniel Brookins, president, Undergraduate Student Government Association n AGE: 21 n HOME TOWN: Coral Springs, Florida NSU’s student leaders are a driving force on campus. MEET AN NSU STUDENT LEADER “Living on campus gives you an incredible amount of opportunities.” — Daniel Brookins