Horizons Fall 2013

15 HORIZONS Opposite page: Abe Fischler, left, (university president 1970–1992); Mary McCahill (chairman of Nova’s Board of Trustees 1976–1988); and James Farquhar (first chairman of Nova’s Board of Trustees, 1964–1973) view the university’s beginnings when the small graduate college, Nova University of Advanced Technology, opened its doors at 232 East Las Olas Boulevard in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Top left: With the development of new facilities and a dormitory, the university was able to admit its first class of 17 Ph.D. students (above). The students, enrolled in four different degree programs, were taught by 17 faculty members. In 1970, the first 5 of those 17 Ph.D. students graduated. Top right: A generous donation from Louis Parker, left, made possible the construction of the second building on the university’s main campus. Warren Winstead, Nova’s president, second from left; George Caldwell, Sr., of Caldwell Scott Engineering and Construction Company of Fort Lauderdale; and C.I. Rice, NSU’s vice president, accompany Parker in this 1967 photo. Bottom: In 1969, the Hollywood Education Center was completed. It was renamed the Mailman-Hollywood Building to honor Abraham Mailman, a major university supporter.