NSU Horizons Spring/Summer 2008

Lenore Walker Another CPS innovator is Lenore Walker, Ed.D., ABPP, inventor of the term “battered woman syndrome” (1979). Her “cycle of violence” theory first described the process by which women become entrapped as the victims of abuse, then come back for more. Walker’s 12 books on the subject of violence against women have assisted millions of people in understanding why battered women have such difficulty escaping domestic violence relationships. The third edition of her groundbreaking book, The Battered Woman Syndrome , will likely appear on bookshelves before the year’s end. For the past five years, she has been re-evaluating her original premise, based on data collected from women from a community sample at the Broward County jail, as well as Spain, Russia, Haiti, Greece, and Colombia. Walker con- cludes, “It is now clear that battered woman syndrome exists cross-nationally, transcending culture. Psychologists accept it as a sub-category of post-traumatic stress disorder. Plus, we know how to measure it and how to treat it.” Her Survivor Therapy Empowerment Program assists professionals as they help battered women through what is often the most difficult period of their lives. Walker has testified in more than 400 cases in which battered women have killed their husbands in self-defense. Interestingly, she was also a member of the O.J. Simpson psychological defense team, receiving enormous criticism from feminists and others who felt she was “selling out.” She explains: “I am an advocate for the eradication of violence directed toward women. At the same time, I can be clear about the objectivity of science.” Vincent B. Van Hasselt Vincent B. Van Hasselt, Ph.D., is a certified Plantation police officer and psychologist for the FBI’s Miami Office 23 horizons n Adult Services for individuals experiencing a variety of difficulties such as depression, stress, or other mental health issues n Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment, Consultation, and Treatment (ADHD) for children and adolescents with behavioral problems n Adolescent Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment for youth arrested for minor offenses, with substance abuse problems, or who are at risk n Anxiety Treatment for those suffering from phobias, social anxiety, panic attacks, obsessions, or compulsions n Biofeedback and Health Psychology for individuals with health concerns such as chronic disease, headaches, or chronic pain; also provides stress management services n Child, Adolescent, and Family Services for children and adolescents with emotional, cognitive, or behavioral difficulties n Childhood and Adolescent Traumatic Stress Services for pediatric patients suffering from acute, chronic, or genetic medical disorders or from psychological and physical symptoms of trauma, such as child abuse n Family Violence Program Services for children, adolescents, and adults who have been victims of domestic violence or abuse; assists adolescents with anger management and skills to resolve conflicts n Healthy Lifestyles/Guided Self-Change Program Services for individuals concerned about their alcohol, drug, or tobacco use, gambling, or other health and lifestyle concerns such as weight, eating disorders, and credit problems n Intensive Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for adults with moderate to severe psychological disorders who would benefit from more intensive treatment n Neuropsychological Assessment for diagnosis of disorders of the central nervous system such as mental retardation, learning disability, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, head injury, and multiple sclerosis n Counseling for Older Adults for individuals 55 or older experienc- ing anxiety, depression, insomnia, psychosexual dysfunction, interpersonal difficulties, or substance abuse; provides individual, family, and couples therapy n Treatment for the Serious Mental Illness for children, adoles- cents, and adults suffering from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or affective disorders n Psychological Assessment for individuals in need of neuropsycho- logical, psycho-educational, or behavioral assessment and treatment n School Psychology Assessment, Evaluation, and Consultation for individuals from preschool to college age with school-related academic, develop-mental, behavioral, and learning issues n Trauma Resolution Integration Program Services for individu- als 18 and older who experienced childhood sexual or physical abuse or who suffered from a traumatic event such as war, crime, injury, or natural disaster n Training in Parenting Skills provides a four-week parenting course that teaches behavioral management techniques For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (954) 262-5730 or 800-541-6682, ext. 25730. All services are provided in the Maltz Building on the main campus at 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. NSU’s Psychology Services Center provides psychological counseling and testing services to children, adolescents, adults, and families in South Florida. Services are available at affordable rates. Nova Southeastern University can help in a variety of ways through the following services: Continued on page 36 Any woman can be abused; she can be of any race, reli- gion, economic status, educational background, or age.