NSU Horizons Spring/Summer 2008

17 horizons By Ken Ma Five years ago, Nova Southeastern University’s Health Professions Division (HPD) launched its first nursing program to help meet the national shortage of nurses. With the support of Fred Lippman, R.Ph., Ed.D., HPD chancellor, the inaugural class of 45 students com- pleted the R.N. (registered nurse) to B.S.N. (bachelor of science in nursing) curriculum. Since then, the NSU Nursing Department has grown exponentially. Today, the department has 714 students enrolled in bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs. As part of the curriculum, nursing students work in underserved areas throughout Florida, offering residents health screen- ings and other services. Due to diverse opportunities like this, the department has established its nursing program as one of the top in Florida. nursing department makes huge strides in short time