NSU Horizons Spring 2010

Around Campus 5 HORIZONS At NSU, seven students are in an especially prestigious category. They are Fulbright students from around the world studying in the Department of Con ict Analysis and Resolution. “All of these students have a common denominator,” said Judith McKay, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Multidisciplinary Studies in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, which hosts these Fulbright students. “They can imagine that things can be different and that they can be part of that difference.” The students are Tami Ra di and Adnan Abdalla, both Palestinian; Nawal Al-Jawhari from Jordan; Solomon Losha from Cameroon; Hassan Khannenje from Kenya; Cyril Adonis from South Africa; and Ronald Mabunga from the Philippines. The Fulbright scholars learn about the theory, research, and practice of con ict and resolution from “every different angle,” said McKay, from community projects such as the Peace Place to talking to a variety of groups. “At home, I teach undergraduate and graduate school,” said Mabunga, 40. “I should be able to develop the peace education curriculum at my uni- versity and perhaps elsewhere in the Philippines.” The Fulbright stu- dents came to South Florida because NSU oper- ates one of only two pro- grams within the United States offering a Ph.D. in con ict analysis and reso- lution. The other is at George Mason University in Virginia. “We’re proud to have them here, and I think they’re proud to be here,” said Neil Katz, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Con ict Analysis and Resolution, which has about 450 students. The scholars’ challenges include adjusting to American culture and education and meeting their nancial needs after the two-year funding from the Fulbright program ends. “Unfortunately, trying to scrape enough money to pay for nishing their degree requirements after the initial two years of Fulbright funding adds signi cant stress to our Fulbright scholars,” said Katz. The award pays for two years of academic work, but the Ph.D. program requires three years of courses plus a qualifying exam and dissertation, which may require additional years. Still, the NSU experience is invaluable, Fulbright scholars say. “This course introduced me to cultural aspects of con ict,” said Al-Jawhari, 44, who is a judge in Jordan. Al-Jawhari says she is likely to focus her dissertation on issues related to water disputes in the Middle East. That happens many times. “Most of the Fulbright dissertations are about issues back home,” said McKay. “They will bring what they learn here back home and apply it to their own cultures.” The students’ experi- ences at NSU also will have an impact on the future of their countries, McKay said. “These scholars are considered to be in the top level of their country in terms of academics and are viewed as having the potential to be signi cant leaders in their country—whether it’s in politics, culture, or academics.” During their stay, the scholars have done more than widen their own perspectives, McKay said. They’ve also enlightened NSU’s homegrown student body. “Sometimes students have preconcep- tions and these get challenged as they’re exposed to students from other cultures,” she said. “We have a lot of ‘Ah-ha’ moments. And a lot of ‘Oh!’ Eyes get opened to new things.” Q An Accent on Scholarship BY ROBERT SPENCER KNOTTS THE BEST AND BRIGHTEST Established in 1946, the Fulbright Program is the largest U.S. international exchange pro- gram, allowing students and professionals to pursue graduate study, teaching, and advanced research worldwide. Fulbright scholars are selected for their academic merit and leader- ship potential. About 6,000 grants were award- ed in 2008, with primary funding from the United States government. Hassan Khannenje, Nawal Al-Jawhari, and Solomon Losha