NSU Horizons Fall 2010

Faculty Profile Jason J. Campbell , Ph.D., typifies the new wave of fresh, young professors. But there isn’t anything typical about him. At age 34, he is a self-described member of Generation X, and uses modern mediums such as YouTube—he’s had 40,000 views to his video page that features his lectures on conflict and geno- cide—and an online blog to offer what he calls “learning without obstacles.” The assistant professor of conflict resolution and philosophy in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) at Nova Southeastern University knows his ideas work. He’s received emails from international students in Australia and Singapore. One student wrote to him after watching Campbell’s video lecture posted online about José Ortega y Gasset. The student said the video discussion helped him more than anything he had read in his studies about the Spanish philosopher. “Knowledge should be accessible immediately and it shouldn’t be a difficult and arduous process for some- one to tap into it. This next generation of educated people wants to know more, but they want it sooner,” said Campbell. When the professor talks, you understand he is a man on a mission. Not only does he want to get information out to as many people as possible, but there’s another path he’d like to forge. He is intent on helping to put NSU on the map as a global player in his field of study: genocide. This fall, Campbell began teaching Foundations of Genocide, which explores prevention strategies and increases awareness of genocide. Geared to political science students, the class also has undertones of philosophy. “This will give students a better understand- ing of contemporary genocide. It affects so many parts of the world.” According to Campbell, this is the first genocide class offered to students seeking an M.S. or Ph.D. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from NSU’s SHSS. “Jason’s work with genocide will have a significant impact on how we understand genocide,” said Honggang Yang, Ph.D., dean of SHSS. “It will contribute to genocide prevention through research and the design of intervention and prevention theories and models. His 24 horizons Academic Notes Anna Franzone wanted a college that would offer her opportunities to become a campus leader. She found that at NSU as part of the first class of students in the Razor’s Edge Leadership Develop- ment Program, which launched this fall. The Razor’s Edge Leadership Development Program, named after NSU’s shark mascot, will provide 22 freshmen with an intensive, four-year curriculum to develop their leadership skills. In addition to their unique curriculum, the students will attend four seminars designed specifically for them and four classes in leadership. The students will also attend monthly meetings with speakers and retreats at many locations. Students in the Razor’s Edge program will immerse themselves in NSU life by living on campus, participating in service projects, joining student organizations, and, eventually, taking on leadership roles. Participants receive $10,000 in an annual scholarship package toward tuition, on-campus housing, and a meal plan. Upon completion of the program and a bachelor’s degree in his or her respective major, each student will receive a Certificate in Leadership. For Franzone, who was involved in numerous organizations while in high school in Henderson- ville, Tennessee, including Health Occupation Students of America, Future Business Leaders of America, and National Honor Society, the program is giving her the leadership edge she desired. “Razor’s Edge is a great opportunity and made me really excited about coming to NSU,” said Franzone, who plans to major in nursing. “I like the idea of getting together with this group of students, living together, taking classes together, and really developing into leaders on campus.” For more information on Razor’s Edge, visit www.nova.edu/studentleadership/razorsedge/. n New Leadership Development Program Gives Students an Edge Bringing Genocide Awareness to a New Generation By Michelle F. Solomon