NSU Horizons Fall 2010

15 horizons The beautiful frescoes that Michelangelo created for the Sistine Chapel have inspired artists and visitors for centuries. Now you can see the compass and tools that Michelangelo used to create those magnificent works of art, along with spectacular paintings by artists Giotto and Il Guercino and sculptures by Baroque master Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Those and other unique objects illustrat- ing the Catholic church’s impact on history and culture will be on view at the Nova Southeastern Univer- sity Museum of Art | Fort Lauderdale during 2011. Vatican Splendors: A Journey through Faith and Art opens on January 29, 2011, and closes April 24, 2011. The exhibition is the largest collection of art, documents, and historically significant objects from the Vatican ever to tour North America. More than 200 objects, many of which have never left Rome, will be in the museum’s galleries and in specially created environments designed to enhance the visitor’s understanding of the historical and artistic significance of each work. On display will be paintings, mosaics, and sculptures, as well as the Papal Swiss Guard’s armor, sword, and uniform. Vatican Splendors illustrates the evolution of the Catholic church and its Papacy, beginning with Saint Peter. The exhibi- tion will allow visitors to feel as if they are at the Vatican. Although not a literal re-creation of the tombs beneath the nave of Saint Peter’s Basilica, a section will evoke the cata- combs. These “catacombs” will contain artifacts, including a gold and silver reliquary holding bone fragments of Saint Peter and a gold votive plaque that was found in the tomb, marking the spot where Saint Peter’s remains are located. Vatican Splendors also will feature objects used during the election of Pope Benedict XVI, such as ballots, patens and urns used in voting and ceremonial vestments. The exhibition commemorates the 500th anniversary of several significant dates in Catholic history: the building of Saint Peter’s Basilica, the founding of the Vatican Museums, the establishment of the Papal Swiss Guard, and the painting of the Sistine Chapel. The museum and NSU’s Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences will host events that look at the Vatican’s impact on culture, history, and education. Jennifer Donelson, D.M.A., assistant professor in the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Division of Perform- ing and Visual Arts, will conduct a program of Gregorian chants—with a full choir—on February 17, 2011, in the Vatican exhibition galleries. “I believe these star exhibits bring additional excite- ment and energy to the community and the classroom. Our students and faculty members are fortunate to have close collaboration with the Museum of Art,” said Don Rosenblum, Ph.D., dean of Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences. Call (954) 525-5500 or visit www.moafl.org for a complete list of lectures and programs scheduled in conjunction with the Vatican Splendors exhibition. n Vatican Splendors The Holy Family with Two Angels Bologna, Italy, 16th century, Oil on canvas Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Vatican City State