NSU Horizons Fall 2007

academic notes horizons 3 The Stolzenberg-Doan Family Endowment J ames E. Doan, Ph.D., has spent almost 20 years teaching and working at NSU. As a professor in the Division of Humanities at the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, he has seen first- hand the tremendous strides NSU con- tinues to make in terms of the education provided to students. Recently, Doan created the Stolzenberg-Doan Family Endowment to support the college’s international studies major. Named to honor the memory of his grandparents, Helen M. and Joseph J. Stolzenberg, and his mother Marilyn J. Doan, his vision is global, “to share with NSU undergrads the ability to spend time abroad studying the languages and cultures of other nations. Also, I think a greater understanding of other nations might alleviate some of the problems we find ourselves in today as Americans.” Center for Bioterrorism and All-Hazards Preparedness Ready to Serve N SU College of Osteopathic Medicine’s Center for Bioterrorism and All-Hazards Preparedness (CBAP) is quickly rising to preeminence. CBAP has evolved into a national hub, providing all-hazards train- ing and education throughout the nation to health and school professionals, students, and the public. As one of only seven national centers of its kind, CBAP partnered with Broward Community College to provide training to health professionals who require two years or less to earn their degrees. CBAP is committed to developing a national model for all-hazards preparedness training, which includes all emergencies and safety on college campuses. Programs are presented online, on CD, and live. To learn more about the center’s activities, please visit CBAP online at www.nova.edu/allhazards . n Don R. Rosenblum, Ph.D., dean of the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, stated “Establishing this endowment has been a very special experience for many people. Jim has sought—and found—a lasting way to memorialize and celebrate the values and gifts from family members who were important in his life. The endowment will result in scholarships and lectures that will communicate those values to students and faculty members far into the future. I applaud Jim for his gift both for the impact to students and for the statement he makes acknowledging the important role of heritage, values, and memory.” The endowment is structured to include an annual lecture series and financial assistance for use in study- abroad courses taught or sponsored by the FarquharCollege ofArts andSciences faculty members. For additional informa- tion, students may contact Kirk Berner at (954) 262-7918 or kirk@nova.edu . n (L–R) James E. Doan, Ph.D., is recognized by Don R. Rosenblum, Ph.D., dean of the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences.