NSU Horizons Fall 2006

America is getting older. Are we ready? Never before in the history of the United States has such a high percentage of citizens reached retirement age at the same time. According to the Population Resource Center, Baby Boomer and Generation X babies, those born between 1946 and 1964 during a period of economic prosperity following World War II, have produced the largest increase in population in U.S. histo- ry. As more than 74 million people were born during that time, those 65 and over will account for 19 percent of all Americans by the year 2025. This graying of America presents unique challenges involving health care, legal issues, and social services needs. Nova Southeastern University is ahead of the curve with innovative multidisciplinary programs designed to prepare professionals in myriad disciplines for the onslaught of chal- lenges we now face regarding the care and well-being of our growing mature population. NSU’s Division of Clinical Operations operates several health care centers that cater to the physical and psychological needs of older patients. The Shepard Broad Law Center is preparing students for practices in Elder Law, a new, specialized area recognized by The Florida Bar. Additionally, the Fischler School of Education and Human Services is offering innovative coursework in the field of elder education. horizons 25 by Lisa Bolivar