NSU Horizons Spring 2018

37 NSU HORIZONS ABRAHAM S. FISCHLER COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Noris Price , Ed.D. (’06), has served as the superintendent of Baldwin County Schools in Georgia since 2014. Under her leadership, the Baldwin County School District has implemented instructional strategies that have resulted in improved student performance and have increased the high-school graduation rate by 22 percent. She also has helped obtain more than $4 million in grant funds for Baldwin County Schools. Her numerous awards and honors, received during her more than 30 years of experience in public education, include the University of Georgia’s Johnnye V. Cox Award and the American Association of School Administrators Women in School Leadership Award. Recently, Georgia governor Nathan Deal named Price to serve on the Educa- tion Reform Commission. COLLEGE OF ARTS, HUMANITIES, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Jacqueline Font-Guzmán , Ph.D. (’11), is professor of law and conflict studies and director of the Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Program in the Interdisciplinary Department Studies at Creighton University. She is a Fulbright scholar and is a certified mediator and arbitrator for the Puerto Rico Supreme Court. Font-Guzmán has provided lectures, mediation, facilita- tion, and training services to Johnson & Johnson, the World Health Organization, the Judicial Academy of the Puerto Rico Supreme Court, the Spanish Supreme Court Judicial Council for Continuous Education for Judges, the University of the Basque Country in Spain, the U.S. Postal Service, and Venezuela’s Supreme Court. Her published work has received international and national awards. COLLEGE OF DENTAL MEDICINE Michael Scherer , D.M.D. (’07), is an assistant clinical professor at Loma Linda University in California and a clinical instructor at the University of Nevada—Las Vegas. He also maintains a practice limited to prosthodontics and implant dentistry in Sonora, California. A fellow of the American College of Prosthodontists, Scherer has published articles and created DVD training series and online courses on implant dentistry, clinical prosthodontics, and digital technology with a special empha- sis on implant overdentures. He also has developed new technology with computer-aided surgical systems for implant planning and radiographic imaging concepts. He maintains five YouTube channels on standard and narrow diameter dental implant procedures and digital dentistry. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMPUTING Wayne A. Brown , Ed.S. (’03), Ph.D. (’04), is the vice president of information technology emeritus at Excelsior College in Albany, New York. He has served in key manage- ment roles at Excelsior, including vice president of technol- ogy and facility services and chief information officer, vice president of extended education, and vice president of information technology. In addition, Brown founded the Center for Higher Education Chief Information Officer Studies, Inc., a private, nonprofit organization focusing on the education and development of chief information officers in higher education and technology leader research. Brown’s research into professional development issues affecting higher education chief information officers, technology executives, and trends has been extensively published, and his studies are recognized as a primary resource for information. He has made numerous gifts to NSU to help current and future technology professionals. RON AND KATHY ASSAF COLLEGE OF NURSING Karen Pardue , Ph.D. (’13), is the interim dean for the Westbrook College of Health Professions at the University of New England (UNE). Her research focuses on nursing/allied health education, academic leadership, and interprofessional education (IPE) curriculum development and evaluation. Pardue provided leadership in the design and implementa- tion of UNE’s undergraduate IPE coursework and is a frequent consultant to other academic institutions regarding the design and implementation of IPE. Nationally, Pardue served two terms as chair for the National League for Nursing (NLN) Task Group on Innova- tion in Nursing Education and as a mentor for the Johnson & Johnson/NLN Faculty Mentoring Program. She serves on the New England Board of Higher Education and currently chairs the state of Maine delegation. A fellow in the Academy of Nursing Education, she chairs the Academy Selection Panel. Pardue has more than $1 million of grant-funded projects from the Health Resources and Services Adminis- tration, the William Bingham Foundation, the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, the NLN, and the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. continued on page 38