NSU Horizons Spring 2018

23 NSU HORIZONS chair for a cruise line and was part of a team discussing how to resolve an issue when some of our ships were out to sea during a hurricane,” said Leite. The team members then presented their strategy to several heads of the Huizenga College, including J. Preston Jones, D.B.A., the college’s dean. “So many colleges are criticized for giving students a degree but no real experience,” said Leite. “ExEL is allow- ing me to gain experiences that can set me apart from the thousands of students who graduate and enter the work- force. Because of this program, I won’t just be qualified to have a job, but be prepared to ‘ExEL.’” Leite also said the experience confirmed business as his chosen career path and also opened his eyes to another area in which he was unaware he had strengths. “I began to contemplate changing my major from business manage- ment to marketing, because I had gravitated to the position on the team very naturally,” said Leite, who added he’s not making any decisions just yet. Brad Williams said ExEL is meant to help raise these types of questions and invite career exploration. “The focus is on identity,” Williams said. “It’s not unusual for an incoming freshman to not yet know who they are. ExEL, as a whole, helps them to look at who they are and what they want, and then helps them to move forward in that exploration with support and guidance.” BUILDING A PROGRAM The program offerings will continue to be expanded with the Office of Experiential Education in collabora- tion with the Experiential Education and Learning Advisory Council (EELAC ), which is led by associate professor Molly J. Scanlon, Ph.D. “We have built a cohort of faculty and professional staff members who are experi- enced champions of ExEL as a best practice. This cohort and our students are the voice of experiential education at NSU,” said Williams. NSU hosted six National Society for Experiential Edu- cation (NSEE) workshops from December 2016 to May 2017. At the end of the series, 17 faculty and four professional staff members received national certification in experiential education through NSEE. In December 2017, NSEE and NSU’s ExEL held a second Experiential Education Aca- demy for 30-plus NSU faculty and staff members. “NSU is now identified as a strategic partner with NSEE,” said Williams, who joined the national organiza- tion’s board of directors. “It is our intention to continue providing education and support through Experiential Education Academy workshops,” Williams added. “Those students who were immersed early on were far more successful than those who were not learning by doing,” said George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D., NSU president and CEO. “Immersion experiences implemented into the curriculum are the building blocks of our ExEL program. ExEL also helps get students out of their comfort zones, which will sharpen their skills.” For future pharmacist Martin, ExEL is another resource that the university offers to her as part of her education. “NSU is an environment to learn and grow as an individual, with professors who care and greatly encourage success. I believe that, throughout my time at NSU, ExEL will greatly contribute to that,” she said. ¨ As an undergraduate student, you have the unique opportunity to conduct research with your faculty members, which will lead to deeper connections with your studies and the process of discovery. Faculty-mentored research can be explored in any major and within your areas of interest. Your coursework will take you beyond the lecture hall and into our STEM labs, the field, and performing and visual art studios and theaters. While you’re engaging in hands-on learning and diving deeper into your major, these classes may count toward your ExEL requirements. College is the perfect time to gain the knowledge, contacts, and real-world experience you’ll need to secure the professional roles you seek after graduation. Engage in professional development opportunities that will improve your confidence in the workplace, enhance your communication skills, and develop a network of connections. Did you know that NSU was rated one of the top 20 colleges nationwide committed to community service? We also earned the prestigious Carnegie Foundation designation as a Community Engaged Institution. These national recognitions acknowledge just how much our students give back to the community. What could be more rewarding than seeing and experiencing a new culture as an undergraduate student? Earning credits toward your degree program and helping to fulfill your ExEL requirements at the same time! F A C U L T Y M E N T O R E D R E S E A R C H E X P E R I E N T I A L C O U R S E W O R K P R O F E S S I O N A L G R O W T H C O M M U N I T Y E N G A G E M E N T T R A V E L E X P L O R A T I O N