NSU Horizons Spring 2017

50 NSU HORIZONS H arrison Goodrick, 10 pounds 14 ounces at birth and 6’ 9’’ and 235 pounds a little more than 23 years later, makes quite an impact when he returns to his native Australia every summer. His parents, Michael and Sharon Goodrick, joyously await his visits, but there’s always just one problem. “We usually need a bank loan to pay for the food bill when he’s at home,” his father joked. “We forget how much he eats.” Goodrick, a Nova Southeastern University (NSU) senior and the star of the Sharks’ men’s basketball team, saw his parents this past February and his mother didn’t have to cook. For the first time, Goodrick played college games with his parents in attendance. Making the 24-hour-plus flight from Syd- ney, Australia, to Miami is arduous enough, but his parents faced other issues, including getting time off from work and finding someone to look after Goodrick’s three younger siblings. But, they finally made it, combining a 10-day South Florida vacation with a business trip to Washington, D.C., (for Michael Goodrick, an accountant). “I’m very thankful they made the trip,” said Goodrick, whose siblings stayed in Sydney with his maternal grandparents. “It’s been great to show them around and introduce them to people who are such a big part of my life.” The Goodricks said the trip exceeded their expectations. “He always talks about how much he likes it at NSU, so it was nice to see where he’s been living,” said Sharon Goodrick. Michael Goodrick said his son has benefitted from the “ups and downs of life” a long way from home. “I enjoyed seeing the fantastic facilities at NSU, and I can BY WALTER VILLA Basketball Player Makes an Impact on and off the Court Harrison Goodrick is one of only 13 players in NSU history to score more than 1,000 career points.