NSU Horizons Spring 2017

out NSU’s sizzling a cappella group, The Riff Tides, cele- brated its fifth anniversary in January. And, the group is only getting better, say all involved, including current president Casey Skomer. A junior with majors in both criminal justice and psychology, Skomer leads a larger and more diverse group this year. Now, there are 20 members on stage, and for the first time male voices contribute to the sound. You Tube videos from past performances show anywhere from 8 to 11 members—all female. “We decided to expand the group, there was just so much more interest,” said Skomer, who was elected president of the group for the current term. “Over 50 people auditioned this year, so we added more members. Having male voices in The Riff Tides has been talked about for the last two years, and it all has just come down to auditions,’’ she said. “Last year, we didn’t have enough men audition.” This year they had a great turnout and admitted three male members: Michael Rosario, Travin Williams, and Steven Wang. “They fit right in with the rest of us, and they bring a whole new level to our sound as a group,” said Skomer. Legal studies student Shakeeva Nti, a senior, said the male voices add flair to the mix of sopranos and altos: “It’s great to have a natural bass voice with us.” Nti was the lead vocalist on the third song in a recent showcase. The program, chosen for competition, is emblematic of how broadly the group roams in pop music: Respect by Aretha Franklin, Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson, and Viva la Vida by Coldplay. While she has no future musical plans—like compet- ing to sing before one of her idols, Alicia Keys (on The Voice )—Nti said that being in the group allows her to blow off the stress of school and work. “I just have fun with the girls—and now, guys,” she said. Freshman Travin Williams, who like Nti is from Georgia, said the transition to a mixed ensemble pre- sented no problem at all. In fact, the communications major and former church choir singer said, “It was really invigorating.” The Riff Tides accept about 10 to 15 invitations a year to perform at campus events, such as the African Presence The Riff Tides provided the entertainment during the opening reception of the 2017 African Presence art exhibition, which celebrates Black History Month. BY JOHN DOLEN