NSU Horizons Spring 2016

18 NSU HORIZONS N ova Southeastern University is now at the forefront of conducting pioneering cell-based biomedical research with the launch of the new NSU Cell Therapy Institute, an international collaboration with prominent medical research scientists from Sweden’s world-renowned Karolinska Institutet (KI). KI is globally recognized for its Nobel Assembly, which awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine annually. The NSU Cell Therapy Institute will be located in the uni- versity’s 215,000-square-foot Center for Collaborative Research (CCR), shown above, one of the largest and most advanced research facilities in Florida with state- of-the-art laboratories. The NSU Cell Therapy Institute is dedicated to the discovery and development of innovative translational biomedical research, focused on the potential of cell- based therapies to prevent, treat, and cure life-threaten- ing and debilitating diseases. The institute is accelerat- ing the advancement of next-generation approaches to precision medicine, such as targeted immunotherapy and regenerative medicine, with an initial focus on targeting cancers, heart disease, and disorders causing blindness. Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren, M.D., Ph.D., Karolinska Institutet’s dean of research and a professor, cited the value of combining respective research synergies with scientists at NSU, “some leading members of our faculty will serve as visiting professors at NSU and establish labs in the CCR. By collaborating closely, we can make greater and faster progress in advancing new and better approaches to using cell-based therapies to eradicate disease. Over the course of our 205-year history, scientists at Karolinska Institutet have contributed many important medical breakthroughs. The NSU Cell Therapy Institute represents our continued commitment to share knowl- edge and co-develop new medicines through important international partnerships,” he said. “NSU is proud to partner with one of the world’s leading medical universities and connect some of the most accomplished researchers to help achieve the lofty goal of developing effective treatments and therapies CENTER FOR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH TO HOUSE THE NSU CELL THERAPY INSTITUTE AROUND NSU