NSU Horizons Fall 2018

31 NSU HORIZONS Hernandez plans to start working toward a master’s degree next year and eventually earn a doctorate degree. There are a few more dream jobs on her bucket list, including college professor. “I’ve always had bucket-list jobs that I hope to accomplish,” she said. “Disney by far was at the top. I thought, ‘Oh, that’s never going to happen.’ And it did happen. I love my job, because no day is ever the same. You have so many people from so many different backgrounds coming through.” Engaged Student at NSU Hernandez’s former professors at NSU are not surprised by her success. “Tylia was always looking to get involved outside the classroom,” said Paul Arena, Ph.D., assistant professor at the Halmos College. Under his direction, Hernandez and other students in the Nature Club replanted a native garden on campus as a wildlife habitat and butterfly garden. “Tylia became certified as a Florida Master Naturalist in my Natural History of South Florida course and conducted several presentations to educate the public about environmental awareness,” Arena said. Christopher Blanar, Ph.D., assistant professor at Halmos College, was Hernandez’ instructor in an Everglades ecology field course. The course was difficult, and it required consecutive, early-morning weekends during the busiest time of the semester. A lot of students burned out, Blanar said. “Tylia kept her good humor through bad weather, slogs through chest-high water, and swarms of mosquitos. In many ways, she set the tone for the whole group…her defining characteristic is enthusiasm. The first time I met her, she walked up to me with a giant grin and told me how excited she was to be taking my parasitology course. She was engaged and enthusiastic. “Tylia’s energy and public-speaking skills make her an excellent fit at Disney. It is a dream job. And they could not have found a better person for it.” ¨