Horizons Fall 2015

40 NSU HORIZONS NSU University School began the 2015–2016 school year with some changes in its administration and sporting a new look. First, William Kopas, M.Ed., was promoted to be the Head of School, succeeding Jerome Chermak, Ed.D., who retired in June following 33 years with University School, including 16 years as headmaster. Kopas was selected following a national search overseen by a committee composed of NSU University School parents, faculty members, and adminis- trators, and NSU representatives. Kopas, who will receive his Doctor of Education from NSU in 2015, is well known on the NSU University School campus. As Upper School director during the past five years, he led the school in the development of innovative programs that earned national and state recognition in robotics, mathematics, writing, the arts, and science research. Under Kopas’ leadership, NSU University School athletes won numerous district and regional titles, two team state championships, and five individual state championships. The school’s speech and debate team won two state titles and is recognized in the top 1 percent nationally. “Mr. Kopas is extremely well-qualified to take NSU University School to the next level of recognition and achievement as one of the country’s premier junior kinder- garten through grade 12 independent schools. I would also like to recognize Jerome Chermak for his excellent leadership and service to NSU University School for the past 33 years,” said George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D., NSU president and CEO. NEWDIRECTORS Chip Clatto, M.S., was named the director of the Upper School. Clatto, who is pursuing his Ph.D. at Maryville University, most recently was the founding principal of The Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience Magnet High School in St. Louis, Missouri. He developed the school’s framework, designed the curriculum structure, and super- vised the school’s instructional programs. Previously, he served as principal at Stevens Center for Academic Development Middle School (also in St. Louis) and as assistant principal for diversity at St. Louis University Jesuit High School. BY OLINE H. COGDILL CHANGES GR A DE MAKE THE + William Kopas, M.Ed.