Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

Discussion Questions • H ow many protective factors do you see for Mary? • How many risk factors? • W as the C-SSRS used, and if not, then was Mary asked direct questions about previous attempts, current thoughts of suicide, and if she had a specific plan to die by suicide? • W hat actions need to be taken to intervene and support Mary? • H ow was the need to notify her father introduced and what was Mary’s reaction? • D id the role-play of the assessment ask all the key questions? • Was rapport established with Mary? • W as eye contact maintained with Mary and was suicide discussed calmly with no sign of disapproval from the counselor? • W as Mary assured she was not the first student to feel suicidal? • Was a safety plan jointly developed? • D id the counselor sit side by side with Mary while developing the safety plan with her? • What did the safety plan emphasize? • What level of suicide risk is Mary? • W hat level of intervention support do you feel is warranted at this time? 77