Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

Tool 14b Suicide Assessment: SAFE-T Protocol with C-SSRS Screening S uicide A ssessment F ive-step E valuation and T riage Use in conjunction with the C-SSRS Brief Screening questions (Tool 14a). Step 1: Identify Risk Factors (based on reports and observances during the brief screening) Current and Past Psychiatric Dx  Mood disorder  Psychotic disorder  Alcohol/substance abuse disorders  PTSD  ADHD  TBI  C luster B personality disorders or traits (i.e., borderline, antisocial, histrionic, and narcissistic)  C onduct problems (antisocial behavior, aggression, impulsivity)  Recent onset Presenting Symptoms  Anhedonia  Impulsivity  Hopelessness or despair  Anxiety and/or panic  Insomnia  Command hallucinations  Psychosis Family History  Suicide  Suicidal behavior  A xis I psychiatric diagnoses requiring hospitalization Precipitants/Stressors  T riggering events leading to humiliation, shame, and/or despair (e.g., loss of relationship, financial or health status) (real or anticipated)  C hronic physical pain or other acute medical problem (e.g., CNS disorders)  Sexual/physical abuse  Substance intoxication or withdrawal  Pending incarceration or homelessness  Legal problems  Inadequate social supports  Social isolation  Perceived burden on others Change in Treatment  Recent inpatient discharge  C hange in provider or treatment (e.g., medications, psychotherapy, milieu)  H opeless or dissatisfied with provider or treatment  Noncompliant or not receiving treatment  Access to Lethal Methods: Ask specifically about presence or absence of a firearm in the home or ease of accessing. Florida S.T.E.P.S.