Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

Referral Comes from a Student, Parent, or School Staff Member School Suicide Prevention Expert • m eets with student • a ssesses risk with direct inquiry and recommends removal of lethal means • d evelops safety plan and provides number for crisis hotline • n otifies parents and requests a face-to-face conference immediately • m onitors student closely until parent(s) arrives • d ocuments all steps • r efers to Community Resources: (Note, if parents are uncooperative and refuse to get help, refer to the Department of Children and Families.) Community Resources • p re-identified/approved list of well-trained community providers and available resources • t reatment by community provider • parent provides release form for community provider to share information with school suicide prevention expert School Suicide Prevention Expert • c onducts a reentry meeting with student and parent(s) • c onducts a reentry meeting with appropriate staff members if student missed school or was hospitalized • e nsures school staff members and especially teachers are alert to future warning signs of suicide • f ollows up daily/weekly face-to-face meetings (depending on severity but weekly minimum) TOOL 8 Response Procedures for a Student at Risk of Suicide Florida S.T.E.P.S.