Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

can be transferred to their parents. If the parent simply cannot be reached, then school personnel need to work with local law enforcement and/or psychiatric mobile crisis units to secure the needed supervision for the student. Low Risk (ideation only) • D evelop a safety plan with the student (Tool 17). • N otify the parents of their child’s suicidal ideation. • R efer for community mental health treatment for the suicidal student and persuasively request that parents sign the release of information section so that designated school personnel can directly communicate with community mental health professionals. • D ocument having parents sign an emergency notification form (Tool 18). • Fill out the Suicide Risk Report (Tool 16). Medium Risk (current ideation and previous suicidal behavior) • S upervise student at all times (including restrooms). • D evelop safety plan with the student (Tool 17). • N otify and release student ONLY to - a parent or guardian who agrees to increase supervision, remove lethal means in the home, and seek an immediate mental health assessment and treatment - law enforcement - a psychiatric mobile crisis unit • P ersuasively request that parents sign the release of information section (Tool 18) so that designated school personnel can speak directly with community mental health professionals. • F ill out the Suicide Risk Report (Tool 16). • H ave parents sign an emergency notification form (Tool 18). • D evelop follow-up plan at school that includes a reentry plan if the student is hospitalized. All students returning from mental health hospitalization should have a reentry meeting where parents and school and community mental health personnel make appropriate plans to support the student before he or she returns to class. • U se Reentry Checklist and Monitoring (Tool 20). High Risk (current plan and access to method) • S upervise student at all times (including restrooms). • D evelop safety plan with the student (Tool 17). • N otify and release student ONLY to - a parent or guardian who commits to increase supervision, remove lethal means from home, and seek an immediate mental health assessment and treatment - law enforcement - a psychiatric mobile crisis unit • P ersuasively request that parent sign the release of information section so that designated school personnel can speak directly with community mental health professionals. • D ocument all actions, including having parents sign an emergency notification form (Tool 18). • F ill out the Suicide Risk Report (Tool 16). • D evelop a follow-up plan at school that includes a reentry plan if the student is hospitalized. All students returning from mental health hospitalization should have a reentry meeting where parents and school and community mental health personnel make appropriate follow-up plans to support the student before he or she returns to class. • U se Reentry Checklist and Monitoring (Tool 20). 29