Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

• Document staff member attendance at suicide prevention and intervention training (Tool 4). • Suicide prevention experts or specialists require additional training and should - k now how to implement a suicide assessment process (Tools 14a–c, 15a–b) - k now the Parent Notification of Suicide Emergency Form (Tool 18) - k now how to implement strategies for reentry to school (Tool 20) - k now how to monitor suicide (Tool 20) - know how to implement postvention strategies (Tools 21–22) • Principals and administrators serving in leadership roles should also have additional training on communicating with staff members in the aftermath of an attempted or completed suicide, including - an agenda for the initial all-staff meeting (Tool 23) - working with the local media (Tools 25–26) - providing teachers with information and guidance for working with shocked, confused, and grieving students (Tools 23–24) Considerations for Student Suicide Prevention Training We strongly recommend that all staff be trained in suicide prevention and intervention before making suicide prevention presentations to students. School procedures and plans for suicide prevention need to be understood by all school staff. Once all staff members are trained, it is ideal for all students to receive training as well. Training helps students understand the warning signs of suicide and the importance of immediately seeking adult help. While there are numerous training modules for staff members, only a few are available for students, especially at the elementary level. This is an area that needs more development and can benefit from educators sharing activities and curriculum that they have implemented with positive results. 19