Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

LEGISLATION It is important to emphasize and address these rising rates of suicide for high school students and middle school students. Suicide is preventable. It is important that Florida take action, as approximately 15–20 states have passed legislation for suicide prevention in schools. However, not all legislative action has been mandated, as some states only made recommendations for schools. Florida legislation has not mandated suicide prevention in schools, a very necessary initiative for saving student lives. Legislative mandates and recommendations are essential in expanding suicide prevention in schools. School personnel need to educate legislators on the scope of youth suicide. Most recently, two 2019 legislative changes in Florida have major implications for suicide prevention. The first one was related to the Baker Act. There are differences in how school districts are using the Baker Act, and we encourage each school to review its procedures and use Tool 30—Understanding the Florida Baker Act. Change One The first change was from Senate Bill 7030, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Act, which states that schools must identify students at risk for suicide and screen them with the state’s approved screening tools before using the Baker Act. The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) recommended screening instruments for schools to use. The following are department-approved youth suicide risk screening instruments and can be found at fldoe.org/safe-schools/suicide-prevent.stml. • The Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) T his rating scale encompasses the lifetime /recent and risk assessment page and can be found at cssrs.columbia.edu. • The Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T) T his incorporates a SAFE-T pocket card that helps clinicians conduct suicide assessments using a five-step evaluation. It is available at store.samhsa.gov/product/SAFE-T-Pocket-Card -Suicide-Assessment-Five-Step-Evaluation-and -Triage-for-Clinicians/sma09-4432 . A “suicide safe” mobile app developed by SAMSHA can be found at apps.apple.com/us/app/suicide-safe -by-samhsa/id968468139. Change Two The second change in legislation emphasized that any school in Florida may become a suicide prevention certified school. In 2019, the Florida state legislature updated the 2016 Florida Statute 1012.583. The three steps that schools must follow to become certified are listed on the following page. Upon certification, the school name and district will be posted on the FDOE website. Tool 30 addresses suicide screening and understanding the Baker Act. We are excited that some Florida schools have already taken advantage of becoming suicide prevention certified and hope all schools will do so. Florida S.T.E.P.S.