Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

All school personnel should know that they can be the difference in saving a student’s life. Segmented training recomendations are outlined below. • L eadership, principals, administrative team (recommend minimum 2 hours of training) - s uicide prevention, intervention, and postvention - i dentification and assessment of suicidal students - d istrict/school procedures for providing suicide intervention - c ommunity resources for mental health and suicide intervention - r eentry after hospitalization for suicidal students - l iability issues for schools with regards to suicide • C ounselors, social workers, psychologists, nurses, SMHPs (recommend minimum 4 hours of training, including role play on assessing suicide and notifying parents; sample role plays are provided in Tools 15a–b) - suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention - i dentification and assessment of suicidal students - d istrict/school procedures for providing suicide intervention - p arent notification procedures - c ommunity resources for mental health and suicide intervention - r eentry after hospitalization for suicidal students - l iability issues for schools with regards to suicide • C lassroom professionals and support staff members (teachers, teachers’ aides, secretaries, school resource officers) (recommend minimum 1 hour of training, annually) - s uicide prevention, intervention, and postvention - i dentification and assessment of suicidal students - d istrict/school procedures for providing suicide intervention - r eentry after hospitalization for suicidal students - l iability issues for schools with regards to suicide • Secondary student training after all staff members are trained in the warning signs and school referral procedures (recommend minimum 1 hour of training) and parents informed about suicide prevention at meetings, district communications, and on school and district websites - s uicide prevention and intervention - s tudent participation (Signs of Suicide, Sources of Strength, Youth Aware of Mental Health, and other carefully reviewed programs) - d istrict/school procedures for providing suicide intervention - N ational Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Crisis Text Line - k now the new national proposed 988 emergency mental health line (expected in operation in 2022) - h ow to use a smartphone to connect with helplines (e.g., tell Siri) Section 2 Suicide Intervention Overview Florida S.T.E.P.S.