Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Recommendations for a community plan for the prevention and containment of suicide clusters. MMVR,37 (s-6), 1–12 Cerel, J., Brown, M. M., Maple, M., Singleton, M., Van de Venne, J., Moore, M., & Flaherty, C., (2018). How many people are exposed to suicide? Not six. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior . Doi: 10.1111 /sib /sltb.12450 Lieberman, R., Poland, S., & Kornfeld, C., (2014). Best practices in suicide intervention . Harrison, P. L. and Thomas, A. (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology: Systems-level services (pp. 273–288). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists Lieberman, R., Poland, S., & Niznik, M., (2019). Suicide contagion and clusters—Part 1: What school psychologists should know. Communiqué, 47 (5), 1, 21–23 Singer J., Erbacher T., & Rosen P., (2018). “School- based suicide prevention: A framework for evidence- based practice.” School Mental Health . Retrieved from works.bepress.com/terri_erbacher/1 5 Richard Lieberman, NCSP, is a lecturer in the Graduate School of Education at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California. Scott Poland, Ed.D., NCSP , is a professor and the director of NSU’s Suicide and Violence Prevention Office. Marina Niznik, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in school psychology from The University of Texas at Austin and consults with school districts in Northern California. National Association of School Psychologists 4340 East West Highway, Suite 402, Bethesda, MD 20814 P: (301) 657-0270 Toll Free: 866-331-NASP F: (301) 657-0275 © 2019 National Association of School Psychologists Florida S.T.E.P.S.