Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

loss of their friends through wearing the T-shirt. We believe it is best to allow the T-shirt for that first school day and then meet with students, remind them of the school’s dress regulations, and guide them toward more appropriate prevention and memorialization activities referenced in the Toolkit. 9. What are some examples of the safest messages that I can communicate to my students, staff, and parents? • Suicide and the grief that follows a death by suicide are complex and no one person, no one thing, is ever to blame. • While some suicides cannot be prevented, most can. • Everyone plays a role in suicide prevention. • There are evidence-based treatments for all the risk factors of youth suicide. • Kids are resilient and they can get better. 10. What are some available applications to help me with suicide assessment and safety planning? O ne application to assist with suicide assessment is SUICIDE SAFE from SAMHSA ( store.samhsa.gov/apps/suicide-safe ). T he following are three applications to assist with safety planning: • V irtual Hope Box ( play.google.com/store /apps/details?id=com.t2.vhb&hl=en_US ) • A Friend Asks from the Jason Foundation (jasonfoundation.com/get-involved/student /a-friend-asks-app ) • M y3, developed with funding from the California Mental Health Services Act (my3app.org ) Source: Poland, S., Lieberman, R., & Niznik, M. (2019). “Suicide Contagion and Clusters—Part 2: What Can a School Psychologist Do?” Communiqué, 47(6), 12–14. nasponline.org/publications/periodicals /communique/issues/volume-47-issue-6/suicide -contagion-and-clusters—part-2-what-can-a-school -psychologist-do 137