Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

Everyone must know the warning signs of youth suicide. A warning sign is any change in behavior (actions or statements) or mood that indicates a person might be thinking of suicide. People going through life transitions, changes, losses, and painful events are of the most concern, as well as those who show multiple warning signs. The Suicide Awareness Voices of Education explains, “Warning signs are indicators that someone could be in acute danger or may urgently need help.” The following are considered warning signs from SAVE, the World Health Organization, and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: • t alking about wanting to die or to kill oneself • l ooking for a way to kill oneself • t alking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose • t alking about feeling trapped or being in unbearable pain • t alking about being a burden to others • i ncreasing the use of alcohol or drugs • a cting anxious, agitated, or reckless • s leeping too little or too much • w ithdrawing or feeling isolated • s howing rage or talking about seeking revenge • d isplaying extreme mood swings One other way to examine these warnings sign is to break them down into the following categories. Behavioral • l ack of interest in usual activities or withdrawing from activities • a n overall decline in grades • d ecrease in effort • m isconduct in the classroom • u nexplained or repeated absence or truancy • i ncreased use of alcohol or drugs • r ecent behavioral incident resulting in school or law enforcement discipline consequences • l ooking for a way to end their lives (i.e., searching online) • i solating from family and friends • s leeping too much or too little • v isiting or calling people to say goodbye • g iving away prized possessions • aggression • fatigue Talks about • k illing himself or herself • feeling hopeless • h aving no reason to live • b eing a burden to others • being overwhelmed • feeling trapped • unbearable pain Tool 31 Warning Signs Florida S.T.E.P.S.