Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

TOOL 26 Media Statement To be provided to local media outlets either upon request or proactively. School personnel were informed by the coroner’s office that a [ ]-year-old student at [ ] school has died. The cause of death was suicide. Our thoughts and support go out to [his/her] family and friends at this difficult time. The school will be hosting a meeting for parents and the community on [date] at [location], [time]. Members of the school’s Crisis Response Team [or mental health professionals] will be present to provide information about common reactions following a suicide and how adults can help youths cope. They will also provide information about suicide and mental illness in adolescents, including risk factors and warning signs of suicide, and will address attendees’ questions and concerns. A meeting announcement has been sent to parents, who can contact school administrators or counselors at [number] or [email address] for more information. Trained crisis counselors will be available to meet with students and staff members starting tomorrow and continuing over the next few weeks, as needed. Suicide Warning Signs These signs may mean someone is at risk for suicide. Risk is greater if a behavior is new or has recently increased in frequency or intensity, and if it seems related to a painful event, loss, or change. Suicide warning signs include • talking about wanting to die or kill oneself • l ooking for ways to kill oneself, such as searching online or buying a gun • t alking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live • talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain • talking about being a burden to others • increasing the use of alcohol or drugs • acting anxious or agitated, or behaving recklessly • sleeping too little or too much • withdrawing or feeling isolated • showing rage or talking about seeking revenge • displaying extreme mood swings Local Community Mental Health Resources [To be inserted by school] National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-TALK (8255) [ Local resources and hotline numbers to be inserted by school] Source: After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools (2018), by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention ( afsp.org ) and the Suicide Prevention Resource Center ( sprc.org ) 101