Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

Suicide/Mental Illness • D epression is the leading cause of suicide in teenagers. • A bout 6 percent of teenagers will develop depression yearly. Sadly, more than 80 percent of these teens will not have their illness properly diagnosed or treated, which can also lead to school absenteeism, failing grades, dropouts, crimes, and drug and alcohol abuse. • D epression is among the most treatable of all mood disorders. More than three-fourths of people with depression respond positively to treatment. • T he best way to prevent suicide is through early detection, diagnosis, and vigorous treatment of depression and other mental disorders, including addictions. School’s Response Messages • W e are heartbroken over the death of one of our students. Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers go out to [his/her] family and friends, and the entire community. • W e will be offering grief counseling for students, faculty and staff, starting on [date] through [date]. • W e will be hosting an informational meeting for parents and the community regarding suicide prevention on [date] at [location], [time]. Experts will be available to answer questions. • N o TV cameras or reporters will be allowed in the school or on school grounds. School Response to Media • M edia are strongly encouraged to refer to the document Reporting on Suicide: Recommendations for Journalists , which is available at afsp.org/for-journalists. • R esearch has shown that graphic, sensationalized, or romanticized descriptions of suicide deaths in the news media can contribute to suicide contagion (“copycat” suicides), particularly among youth. • Media coverage that details the location and manner of suicide with photos or video increases risk of contagion. • M edia should also avoid oversimplifying cause of suicide (e.g., “student took his own life after breakup with girlfriend.”) This gives the audience a simplistic understanding of a very complicated issue. • I nstead, remind the public that more than 90 percent of people who die by suicide have an underlying mental disorder, such as depression. • M edia should include links to or information about helpful resources, such as local crisis hotlines or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-TALK (8255). Tool 25 Key Messages for Media Spokesperson For use when fielding media inquiries. 99