Florida School Toolkit for K-12 Educators to Prevent Suicide

 Meet with the student and the student’s parent /guardian to discuss reentry and steps needed to ensure the student has a successful return to school.  Review student’s progress with mental health provider outside of school if a release of information form, or that section of Tool 18, has been signed. If not, then discuss with parents and persuade them of the necessity and benefits for their child if this communication is allowed.  Review all information from the mental health provider, especially with regard to safety planning and needed support services at school.  Plan the follow-up services within the school community that will be available to the parent(s) and the student.  Discuss any foreseeable social and/or academic challenges the child will experience and make a plan for easing those challenges.  Counselor or designated staff member, such as suicide prevention risk expert, will meet with the student on first day of return before he or she attends any classes and will regularly check in with the student to assess student’s adjustment to academic and social environment.  Ensure that a safety plan is in place for the student. If one was not developed while the student was hospitalized, it will be necessary for the school staff members to jointly develop one with the student.  D iscuss with student the progress he or she feels was made while under mental health care. Does the student feel hopeful for the future? Is the student looking forward to getting back to classes? Is the student looking forward to meeting up with friends? Who are his or her friends?  Help the student identify and know how to find you (or another adult the student expresses trust in) if he or she is distressed or has a question.  Review the plan for staying in touch with him or her to make sure he or she is adjusting to the academic and social requirements.  If the student has been out for an extended time, missed assignments may have to be prioritized by importance, and counselor coordination with teachers is advised in order to set up a manageable schedule for the student. Also, consider postponing interim or final course grades until the student has had time to catch up.  Provide appropriate information to the student’s teachers and any other staff members on a need-to-know basis so they can be alert to any further warning signs.  Follow up with the student weekly for at least two months and, if suicidal thoughts and behaviors are noted, conduct an assessment and follow procedures outlined in Tool 19. TOOL 20 Reentry Checklist and Monitoring Florida S.T.E.P.S.