2024 NSU Fact Book

84 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Colleges and Academic Centers Other nurses work in careers as college and university educators preparing future nurses, or as scientists developing advances in many areas of healthcare and health promotion. The mission of NSU’s Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing is to provide quality undergraduate and graduate educational programs within an atmosphere of scholarly inquiry, professional values, interprofes- sional collaboration, social determinants of health, and community service in preparing nurse leaders at all levels. The college will prepare culturally sensitive and competent nursing leaders who have knowledge and skills based on integrity, creativity, courage, stewardship, and compassion and that are relevant, futuristic, and responsive to the rapidly changing healthcare trends and environments. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) degree is the critical first step for a career in professional nursing. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and other leading nursing organizations recognize the B.S.N. degree as the minimum educational requirement for professional nursing practice. While graduates can begin practice as an R.N. with an associate’s degree or hospital diploma, the B.S.N. degree is essential for nurses seeking to perform at the case-manager or supervisory level or to move across employment settings. The B.S.N. nurse is prepared to practice in all healthcare settings—critical care, ambulatory care, public health, and mental health—and thus has the greatest employment flexibility of any entry-level R.N. The B.S.N. curriculum features a broad spectrum of scientific, critical thinking, humanistic, communication, and leadership skills, including specific courses on community health nursing, which are not typically offered in diploma or associate’s degree tracks. These abilities are essential for today’s professional nurse, who functions as a skilled provider, designer, manager, and coordinator of care. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING (B.S.N.) DEGREE OPTIONS The most common option for students who are seeking a B.S.N. is the transfer option. This choice is for students who have their general education and prerequisite course requirements completed. Once interviewed and accepted, students complete the B.S.N. program in 21 months. The B.S.N. program is offered on NSU’s Fort Lauderdale/Davie, Fort Myers, and Miami campuses. The newest and emerging option is for students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree in another field and wish to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) degree. These students apply to the accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Students in this track complete the B.S.N. coursework in five semesters of didactic and clinical hours after general education and prerequisite courses have been completed. The accelerated B.S.N. program is offered on NSU’s Fort Myers and Miami campuses. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING (M.S.N.) DEGREE OPTIONS The online Master of Science in Nursing Traditional Program offers four unique concentrations to earn the M.S.N. The master’s degree in nursing prepares the experienced nurse to advance in executive nurse leadership, nursing education, and nursing informatics. Our M.S.N. concentrations offer in-depth education by faculty members who are experts in these fields. The M.S.N. Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (A.P.R.N.) program provides the opportunity for an R.N. with a baccalaureate degree (B.S.N.) to prepare for advanced-level nursing practice related to the primary care of families and individuals throughout the life cycle in primary care settings. The program prepares the adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner (AGACNP), family nurse practitioner (FNP), and psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP). The FNP program is offered on NSU’s Palm Beach and Tampa Bay Regional campuses. The AGACNP is offered on the Palm Beach Campus and the PMHNP is offered on both the Miramar and Tampa Bay Regional campuses. Course delivery in the A.P.R.N. program follows a hybrid format, blending the use of the online and classroom environments. Graduates of the AGACNP, FNP, and PMHNP programs receive an M.S.N. degree. Three postgraduate certificates are also available. These certificates are for nurses who already