2024 NSU Fact Book

60 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Colleges and Academic Centers • The Access Plus program is an intensive college- support program for undergraduate students with autism spectrum disorder. This program provides services to academically capable students to support academic achievement, independent living skills, and campus life engagement opportunities. • Baudhuin Preschool is provided in collaboration with the School Board of Broward County for children ages three–five years with educational eligibility of autism. The preschool offers research-based interventions, individualized educational programming, nurturing environments, play opportunities, and parent support. • Starting Right is an early intervention, parent-child class designed to serve children 18–36 months of age who exhibit delays in language and social skills. The program is designed to increase communication, social, and school-readiness skills. It also provides caregivers with techniques and strategies to use in the classroom and at home. • The Academy is a prekindergarten program for students who require an individualized education program focusing on social communication, behavioral self-regulation, and independent functioning. The Academy builds on the expertise developed over the past 25 years and expands that knowledge to kindergarten-eligible children (5-years-old by September 1). A LOOK AHEAD The Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice is poised to continue its leadership role in providing high-quality degree and professional development programs to educators, school change-agents, educational researchers, and P–12 school and university practitioners and leaders. FCESCJ also offers programs for human services and criminal justice professionals and leaders that create unique opportunities for students and their communities. These programs are in the fields of school safety, child protection, conflict management, emergency preparedness leadership, and community planning. Experiential learning is a hallmark of the college, with field experiences, internships, and other real-world experiences embedded across undergraduate and graduate programs. FCESCJ will continue to expand experiential-learning opportunities and incorporate innovations (such as Mursion simulation software, which provides virtual opportunities for students to practice application of learned skills through real-time simulated interactions) into our curricula.