2024 FACT BOOK 59 ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Chair: Harry K. Moon, executive vice president and chief operating officer. This committee is responsible for oversight in the identification and weighing of NSU enterprise risk and monitoring of mitigating activities. The committee membership includes the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, senior vice president for enrollment management and student affairs, vice president for compliance and chief integrity officer, vice president for facilities management and public safety, vice president for finance and chief financial officer, vice president for information technologies and chief information officer, executive director of internal auditing, and director of risk management. FACULTY ADVISORY COUNCIL Chair: Fran L. Tetunic, director of the Dispute Resolution Clinic and professor of law. The mission of the Nova Southeastern University Faculty Advisory Council (NSU FAC) is to advise the president and provost on academic affairs and make recommendations to enhance the intellectual integrity of the university and its academic programs and policies through teaching, research, and learning. The purpose of the NSU FAC is to provide a voice for the faculty on issues pertaining to the university by promoting communication among the faculty, through the NSU FAC and president’s sponsored Faculty Symposium, the colleges, the provost, and the president. The council meets bimonthly and consists of a representative from each of the colleges. FACULTY RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FRAC) Chair: Rob Smith, associate professor and research scientist, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD). The FRAC is responsible for providing guidance to the senior vice president for research regarding research at NSU. The committee’s purpose is to give the faculty a voice in establishing the research culture and research infrastructure at NSU and to advise, vet, and help develop university research strategies. FINANCIAL AID AND ACADEMIC RECORDS COUNCIL (FAARC) Chair: Michael Rendon, university registrar. The purpose of the FAARC is to propose and implement universitywide enrollment management processes and procedures. FAARC meets once per quarter to promote communication about and adherence to policies and procedures. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STEERING COMMITTEE Chair: Tom West, vice president and chief information officer, Office of Innovation and Information Technology. The purpose of the Information Technology (IT) Steering Committee is to ensure a collaborative, transparent, and university-wide approach to prioritizing major IT project requests that are strategically aligned with the university’s vision, mission, core values, and strategic priorities. In conjunction with the Office of Innovation and Information Technology, the Information Technology Steering Committee also serves as a forum for communicating technology needs identified by the NSU community and provides directional guidance to NSU’s executive administration regarding the university’s technology investments. The committee is composed of seven members who represent the academic units and central administration. INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD Chair: Amanpreet Cheema, Ph.D., Institute for NeuroImmune Medicine. The Institutional Review Board is charged with ensuring that students, faculty members, and staff members adhere to ethical principles underlying the acceptable conduct of research involving human subjects, as set forth in The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research and in keeping with applicable laws and regulations. The board includes at least one representative from each college and center that conducts human subjects research, with additional members from the local community, and a prisoner advocate.