2024 NSU Fact Book

2024 FACT BOOK 55 In accordance with the bylaws of Nova Southeastern University, the business and property of the university are managed by the NSU Board of Trustees consisting of the president and not more than 35 additional members. The committees of the Board of Trustees are as follows: Executive and Compensation Committee, Audit and Compliance Committee, Nominating and Governance Committee, and Investment Committee. The specific responsibilities of the board of trustees are FUNCTIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES u • e stablishing the vision, mission, and core values, and ratifying the educational policies of the university • acquiring, conserving, and developing the corporation’s and university’s resources, and in this regard, acting as custodian of all property of the corporation and university • electing the officers of the corporation • appointing and evaluating the university president and CEO • authorizing changes to and adopting an annual budget • approving the university’s development plans • approving the awarding of all degrees, based on the recommendations of faculty members and the president • accepting and administering gifts of land, bequests, trusts, money, stocks, and other property from public and private sources • upon recommendation of the president, establish- ing schools, centers, colleges, and divisions of the university • upon recommendation of the president, establish- ing university educational programs, courses, and curricula, and prescribing conditions of student admission, attendance, and discharge • accepting responsibility for monitoring the implementation of university policies • maintaining the role of the board as a policy- making body • accepting responsibility for monitoring that the financial resources of the institution are adequate for providing a sound educational program