2021 NSU Fact Book
6 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Dear Friends of NSU, Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic created unprecedented challenges for the world and for Nova Southeastern University. As the world adapted to this crisis, so did we. We introduced physical distancing and health requirements to ensure the best possible safety for everyone on our campuses. We upgraded classrooms with new technology that enabled us to offer the BlendFlex model of learning with online and on-campus options. We installed ionization and Merc 13 filters throughout all facilities on all campuses in heavily trafficked areas, added signage throughout our buildings and grounds, and substantially increased the number of hand sanitizing stations in our facilities. No expense has been compromised to protect the health, safety, and welfare of our students, faculty and staff members, and visitors to NSU. The entire NSU Shark family has adjusted admirably to this “new normal,” but it did not mean that NSU sat idle. The university increased its research grants and philanthropic efforts, reorganized its colleges, and emphasized health care and professionally dominant academic disciplines in our graduate and professional programs. Additionally, NSU has experienced the largest increase in undergraduate enrollment in our history. These numbers show that our next generation of doctors, nurses, engineers, business leaders, psychologists, lawyers, educators, artists, and more all want to start their careers with an exceptional NSU education. Our achievements have not gone unnoticed. NSU advanced upward in the rankings compiled by U.S. News & World Report , and we were recognized by Times Higher Education (THE) . The more we all achieve, the more the world will come to recognize NSU’s rise into a preeminent institution. The NSU Sharks family has accomplished much in the last year, but there is so much more ahead of us. Sharks always keep swimming forward! Fins Up! George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D. President and CEO Nova Southeastern University MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT u
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