2021 NSU Fact Book

2021 FACT BOOK 33 1973 • The Center for Public Affairs and Administration was established. • The Graduate Management Program was implemented. 1974 • The Center for the Study of Law was established. • The board of trustees voted to change the university’s name to Nova University, Inc. 1975 • The Center for the Study of Law received provi- sional accreditation from the American Bar Association (ABA). • Nova University received full accreditation for a 10-year period from SACS. • The Master’s Degree Program in Computer Science was established. 1976 • Nova College was established at the Fort Lauderdale/ Davie Campus. 1977 • The first class of the Center for the Study of Law graduated. 1978 • Doctoral programs in business administration began within the Graduate Management Program. 1979 • The Center for the Study of Law moved to the univer- sity’s east campus site. • The Institute for Marine and Coastal Studies opened at the Oceanographic Center. 1980 • The Center for the Advancement of Education was created. • The Center for the Study of Administration was established. The center was the precursor to the School of Business and Entrepreneurship. • Nova College received accreditation from SACS in December. 1981 • The Southeastern College of Osteopathic Medicine admitted its charter class as an independent institution. • The Nova University Mailman-Family Center building was dedicated. • The Florida School of Professional Psychology merged into Nova University, and the Psy.D. degree in clinical psychology was offered. • The Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology received full accreditation from the American Psychological Association. 1982 • The Center for the Study of Law received full accreditation from the American Bar Association. 1983 • A new 90-unit dormitory was opened on the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus. • The Psy.D. Program in Clinical Psychology received accreditation from the American Psychological Association. • The Master’s Degree Program in Speech-Language Pathology was established. • The Doctor of Arts in Information Sciences Program was created and received approval from SACS. • The Ralph J. Baudhuin Oral School was acquired as a part of the Family Center.