2021 NSU Fact Book

132 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY University Finances Academic and research expenses represent 66.5 percent of the university total expenses. The composition of expenses by function is shown in Figure 18. Figure 18 Fiscal Year 2020 Expenses Expenses by Functional and Natural Classification (Millions of Dollars) Academic and Research Student Services and Support General Administrative and Operations Total Expenses Salaries and wages $211.7 $45.2 $41.0 $297.9 Employee benefits 52.5 8.0 12.4 72.9 Supplies and services 52.0 20.0 20.8 92.8 Space and occupancy 41.8 5.8 8.9 56.5 Other 35.3 21.4 18.5 75.2 Allocations: Depreciation 25.2 12.0 4.9 42.1 Interest 8.6 8.7 0.3 17.6 Operations and maintenance 8.5 6.6 (15.1) - Total Expenses $435.6 $127.7 $91.7 $655.0 Fiscal Year 2020 Expenses General Administration and Operations - 14.0% Student Services and Support - 19.5% Academic and Research - 66.5% Expenses by Functional an atural Classification (Millions of Dollars) Academic and Research Student Services and Support General Administrative and Operations Total Expenses Salaries and wages $211.7 $45.2 $41.0 $297.9 Employee benefits 52.5 8.0 12.4 72.9 Supplies and services 52.0 20.0 20.8 92.8 Space and occupancy 41.8 5.8 8.9 56.5 Other 35.3 21.4 18.5 75.2 Allocations: Depr ciation 25.2 12.0 4.9 42.1 Inter st 8.6 8.7 0.3 17.6 Operations and maintenance 8.5 6.6 (15.1) - Total Expenses $435.6 $127.7 $91.7 $655.0 Fiscal Year 2020 Expense