2021 NSU Fact Book

122 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY University Students and Graduates Nova Southeastern University has educated signifi- cant numbers of minority students when compared to other colleges and universities in Florida and across the country. The following facts (using the most recent IPEDS data available) place NSU’s contribution in some perspective: n NSU awards more than 6,000 degrees each year. The university is ranked 6th in the U.S. for the largest number of minority graduate degree recipients among those degrees awarded. n NSU is the largest, private, not-for-profit institution in the United States that meets the U.S. Department of Education’s criteria as a Hispanic-Serving Institution. n The university ranks 1st in first-professional/doctoral degrees awarded to minority students, 2nd in first- professional/doctoral degrees awarded to Black/African American students, and 3rd in master’s degrees awarded to Hispanic students. n Research at NSU is supported by 89 external agencies, including the National Science Foundation; the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health; the U.S. Department of Education; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association; and the Department of Defense. n NSU is 1 of only 59 universities in the U.S. that is recognized by the Carnegie Foundation for both High Research Activity and Community Engagement. n At NSU, 81 percent of the 807 full-time faculty members hold the highest academic degrees in their fields. The university also has approximately 714 additional adjunct faculty members. n With a total fall 2020 enrollment of 20,888, the average undergraduate class size is 17 students. Table 10 Degrees Conferred July 2019 to June 2020 (FY2020) by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Degree Level Demographic Bachelor’s Master’s Specialist Doctoral Professional All Degrees By Gender Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Female 946 73% 2,166 75% 156 83% 573 73% 483 55% 4,327 72% Male 355 27% 717 25% 33 17% 207 27% 390 45% 1,703 28% By Ethnicity Black 186 14% 608 21% 89 47% 177 23% 47 5% 1,118 18% Hispanic 442 34% 776 27% 31 16% 195 25% 297 34% 1,757 29% NRA 78 6% 163 6% 2 1% 19 2% 42 5% 318 5% Other Minority 169 13% 189 7% 7 4% 49 6% 180 21% 600 10% Unknown 45 3% 174 6% 12 6% 44 6% 23 3% 315 5% White 381 29% 973 34% 48 25% 296 38% 284 33% 2,000 33% University Total* 1,301 100% 2,883 100% 189 100% 780 100% 873 100% 6,108 100% *Total graduates (FY2020) include 82 certificates awarded, but not otherwise shown in the table.