2021 NSU Fact Book
110 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Student Enrollment Nova Southeastern University offers courses in a variety of locations in face-to-face settings and online delivery formats. In fall of 2020, 70 percent of NSU students were enrolled in at least one course that met face to face on campus (Figure 5). An additional 28 percent of students were associated with a regional campus, with 16 percent attending at least one class that met face to face at a regional campus, and 11 percent exclusively online students within a regional campus service area. Similarly, an additional 5 percent of students who enrolled in only online courses were in Broward County with access to the Fort Lauderdale/ Davie Campus. Other than the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus and regional campuses, NSU continues to offer some face-to-face courses at cluster locations (Figure 5). Enrollment and Credit Hours by Location and Course Delivery Modality Figure 5 Fall 2020 Enrollment by Location and Modality 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 7,000 5,000 3,000 1,000 Enrollment Online Ground Blended Other Regional Campuses Fort Lauderdale/ Davie Campus Campus Location Fall 2020 Enrollment by Location and Modality Location Ground Blended Online Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus 7,614 3,835 105 Regional Campuses 2,739 529 2,384 Other 112 88 3,482 Lorem ipsum
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