2021 NSU Fact Book

100 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Office of Recreation and Wellness (NSU RecWell) NSU RecWell strives to enhance engagement and well-being for the NSU community through diverse programs and services in an inclusive environment. These include intramural and club sports, fitness and wellness, aquatics and scuba, and instructional recreation. The anchor of NSU RecWell is its recreational complex, known as the RecPlex. This more than 100,000-square-foot facility is located within the Don Taft University Center and houses 15,000 square feet of cardiovascular and strength requirement, two indoor basketball courts, three racquetball courts, an indoor climbing wall, a leisure swimming pool, three multipurpose rooms, and men’s and women’s locker rooms—both equipped with showers and saunas. The RecWell also oversees all campus swimming pools, including the largest continuous volume pool in the state of Florida! Office of Student Leadership and Civic Engagement The office provides NSU students with the opportunity to become involved in a variety of leadership pro- grams and volunteer activities in the community. Programs include service days, alternative breaks, the Annual Leadership Conference, the Emerging Leaders Experience, and the facilitation of Experiential Education and Learning Units in leadership develop- ment and community engagement. It also houses NSU’s premier leadership program, Razor Edge Leadership, a dynamic leadership development program for high-performing student leaders who participate in a four-year curriculum that includes curricular and cocurricular elements. Students in the program graduate with a minor in experiential leadership. The President’s 64, an elite body of student leaders whose purpose is to strengthen the relationship between NSU and its community, is also housed in this office. Office of Student Media This office engages students by providing high-quality programming, including investigative news stories, lively radio shows, and an entertaining TV lineup. It oversees the publication of The Current , NSU’s student-run, weekly newspaper; Radio X, the student- operated, live radio station; and Sharks United Television (SUTV), the student-operated campus TV station. In addition, Student Media annually hosts NSU’s Media Mash programming—including the 72-Hour Film Competition, and the Multimedia Camp. The office also supports the promotion of all campus events and programs, informing students about activities at the university. Office of Student Conduct Guided by the university’s eight core values, this office supports the educational mission of the institution by reviewing and resolving alleged violations of the student Code of Conduct. It encourages students to take responsibility for their actions, learn conflict resolution skills, enhance decision-making ability, and develop social awareness and ethical values. Additionally, the office supports the NSU Student CARE Team, a multidisciplinary team designed to provide support for students’ well-being and academic success by connecting students in need with campus and community resources. It also supports the Student Behavioral Concerns Committee, ensuring that students who are experiencing or exhibiting behaviors of concern—in relation to their personal, physical, and/or emotional well-being—are supported and connected to various resources. Office of Student Disability Services This office provides information and individualized accommodations, including support services and auxiliary aids for students with identified disabilities, to ensure equal and comprehensive access to university programs, services, and campus facilities. Office of Student Affairs Marketing Setting the communication standards and assisting all offices within the Division of Student Affairs and the College of Undergraduate Studies with their promo- tional and marketing needs, this office works to inform NSU’s students and the university community of available activities, programs, and services being Student Affairs | College of Undergraduate Studies