2019 NSU Fact book

2019 FACT BOOK 91 CLINICAL PROGRAMS The Mailman Segal Center oŒers comprehensive clinical services for children and caregivers. The Unicorn Children’s Foundation Developmental Assessment Clinic provides diagnostic assessments for children and adolescents. The Kapila Family Foundation Feeding Disorders Clinic addresses the serious issues for children with significant feeding challenges. The Kapila Family Foundation Challeng- ing Behavior Clinic assesses and treats children exhibiting severe behavioral diŠculties. ACADEMIC PROGRAMS In collaboration with NSU’s College of Psychology, Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice, and Farquhar Honors College, MSC oŒers academic courses in a variety of educa- tional modalities, including traditional and distance learning. Fields of study include applied behavior analysis, child life specialist, and autism. CHILD ADVOCACY AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH The Mailman Segal Center is committed to community outreach initiatives and plays an integral role, locally and nationally, in shaping policies that support the health and well-being of children and their families. The Mailman Segal Center works collaboratively with early education centers in high-need communities to provide targeted support, individualized training, and parent education.