2019 NSU Fact book

2019 FACT BOOK 87 Farquhar Honors College The establishment of NSU’s Farquhar Honors College in 2015 reflects the importance NSU places on promot- ing excellence across all degree levels and disciplines. NSU takes pride in becoming one of the approximately 200 U.S. universities (out of more than 4,000 colleges and universities) to house an honors college. Through curricular and cocurricular activities, the Honors College provides a rich educational experience for highly motivated and high-achieving undergraduate students of all majors. HONORS COLLEGE INITIATIVES The Honors College hosts events and supports pro- grams open to qualifying students, alumni, faculty and staŒ members across the university, and members of the community. This inclusiveness brings together learners; educators; and inquisitive minds from various academic backgrounds, industries, and organizations. UNDERGRADUATE HONORS PROGRAM This program supports opportunities for hands-on learning, individualized study (including the Honors Thesis), special recognition, study abroad, exclusive workshops and seminars, discussions with guest speakers, and an inclusive learning environment that stimulates creative thinking and intellectual curiosity. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT SYMPOSIUM The symposium showcases NSU student research and creative projects in all academic disciplines. DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS SERIES This series brings prominent leaders, who give lectures or presentations on their areas of expertise, to campus. These leaders also meet with Honors students in intimate discussion groups. SCHOLARS PROGRAM This program connects NSU’s career-focused under- graduate students with fellowships, graduate students and faculty members, career services, networking opportunities, and workshops. HONORS STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES Honors students have the opportunity to • engage in unique, thought-provoking programs and courses • benefit from the mentorship of Honors faculty members • question and discuss international issues from the perspective of multiple disciplines • develop and participate in research and creative projects • explore cultures from around the world • develop an appreciation for the arts • contribute to team endeavors and serve in leader- ship roles in the classroom, in campus organizations, and in the larger community • become part of an active network of current students and college alumni • receive support in pursuing distinguished national and international fellowships and scholarships • participate in the Honors College’s entertainment and social activities HONORS LEARNING OUTCOMES Honors College initiatives and projects are aligned to the learning outcomes listed below, which are expected for all Honors students. Students develop a four-year program to enhance strengths in five domains. Honors faculty members are highly vested in these outcomes, mentoring students to develop and advance their students’ plans. • Inquiry—Students will demonstrate the skills in scholarship and research necessary to succeed in graduate or professional school and/or the workforce. • Innovation and Creativity—Students will recognize and apply multidisciplinary approaches to analyzing and solving problems. • Global Awareness and Sensitivity—Students will discuss international matters and engage with cultures from around the world. • Art and Culture—Students will analyze and appreciate cultural artifacts. • Ethics and Engagement—Students will demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles through engage- ment in the community.