2019 NSU Fact book

2019 FACT BOOK 75 Eligible Pharm.D. students can complete a concurrent degree, getting a Master of Business Administration, a Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics, or a Master of Public Health while completing the Pharm.D. degree. These degrees are oŒered in conjunction with the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship and the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, respectively. Let NSU COP give you the edge in pharmacy education. Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) NSU’s Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine received Preliminary Accreditation by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) on October 10, 2017, to become the eighth Doctor of Medicine-awarding medical school in Florida, and 1 of only 149 in the United States. NSU MD matriculated its first class of 50 M.D. candidates in fall 2018. The college’s mission is to advance human health through innovation in medical education, research, patient care, and community engagement. Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) East Florida, and its hospital network is the preferred academic medical partner of the new college, providing student training experiences in clinically relevant settings. HCA soon will break ground on what will become a 200-bed teaching and research hospital on NSU’s Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus. It will be within walking distance of the university’s educational and research facilities, including NSU’s $100-million, 215,000- square-foot Center for Collaborative Research. The college’s educational program is taught in con- junction with the other seven life sciences colleges in an interdisciplinary fashion within NSU’s Health Professions Division, using existing renovated space to accommodate the new M.D. student class and the college’s active-learning curriculum. To meet demands in all of its life sciences academic programs, as well as the M.D. program, NSU is planning to build a more- than-200,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art inter- disciplinary, medical-education building to comple- ment its current comprehensive health professions facilities and health care centers. The NSU M.D. program oŒers students a rare and exciting opportunity to be a part of a new paradigm of teach- ing the art and practice of medicine. Developed by a team of more than 100 medical educators, physicians, and researchers, the college’s innovative curriculum is designed to train and develop master adaptive learners and physician leaders who will transform health care. The collaborative, inquiry case, and problem-based curriculum also integrates topical threads on ethics and humanities, genomics, interprofessional collabor- ation, biomedical informatics, and leadership. Addi- tionally, the curriculum includes a heavy emphasis on research, technology, and innovation throughout the educational program, leading to the M.D. degree. Medical students will become active learners through their work in small groups (seven-to-eight students each) using active inquiry methods under the guidance of a faculty facilitator. Students will be challenged to solve real-world medical problems using clinical cases and a team-based approach. The integration of these innovative hybrid pedagogies is designed to better prepare medical students to interact with patients and health care team members. These encounters will teach necessary skills students will need during clinical rotations and residency training, as practicing physicians, for leadership roles, and to uphold excellent standards of care. After meeting core requirements, students will enter clinical rotations halfway through their second year, providing additional real-world training. Students will participate in clinical rotations throughout HCA East Florida’s network of hospitals, at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center, and, eventually, at the HCA teaching and research hospital being built on campus. Research is a core mission of the college. Students will complete a required research course and will have additional elective opportunities to expand their research portfolio with the support of faculty mentors. The college is home to faculty researchers from the NSU Cell Therapy Institute, who conduct translational research focused on the discovery of cell-based