2019 NSU Fact book

2019 FACT BOOK 59 The M.S. in Education programs include Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology; Educational Leadership; Elementary Education; Exceptional Student Education; Leadership; Management and Administration of Educational Programs (MAEP); Mathematics Educa- tion; Reading Education; Science Education; Secondary Mathematics Education; Spanish Language Education; and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). The Ed.S. programs include Curriculum, Instruction, Management, and Administration; Edu- cational Leadership; and Mathematics Education. Programs are available in a convenient online or blended (online/on-site) format. The Ed.D. in Education programs combines the benefits of a common core of research, content area specializations, and an applied dissertation. Curricular oŒerings are delivered through a combination of online and blended options, and many courses are oŒered face to face in local cohorts both domesti- cally and internationally. The Ed.D. concentrations include Curriculum and Teaching, Educational Leader- ship, Higher Education Leadership, Human Services Administration, Instructional Leadership, Instruc- tional Technology and Distance Education, Organiza- tional Leadership, Reading, and Special Education. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Programs include a B.S. in Human Services Adminis- tration, B.S. in Recreational Therapy, minor in Human Factors in Aviation, M.H.S. in Child Protection, and M.S. in Developmental Disabilities. The B.S. in Human Services covers a range of applicable fields, from man- agement to counseling to business communications and health care. The B.S. in Recreational Therapy emphasizes clinical interventions that assist individuals with illnesses or disabling conditions in improving their physical and emotional well-being. Students can choose a concentration centered on children, adults, or management. The Master of Human Services (M.H.S.) in Child Protection provides competency-based child protective services instruction aimed at closing the gap between ground-level, on-the-job training and scientifically grounded best practices. The M.S. in Developmental Disabilities is designed to prepare researchers, advocates, administrators, and policy makers to be leaders in community-based or govern- mental agencies that address the confluence of issues associated with developmental disabilities throughout the life span. Upon completion of this program, with a concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis, students are prepared to pursue certification as a Behavior Analyst. Students selecting the Child Life Specialist concentration are eligible, upon graduation, to pursue certification as a Child Life Specialist. CENTER FOR APPLIED RESEARCH ON SUBSTANCE USE AND HEALTH DISPARITIES (ARSH) The mission of ARSH is the production, dissemination, and utilization of scientific knowledge in the areas of substance abuse, health risk behaviors, and health disparities among vulnerable populations. Internation- ally renowned social scientists are the recipients of numerous grants from the National Institutes of Health, among other sources. In addition, ARSH has been instrumental in securing external funding to conduct research and program evaluation in several health and human services fields on such topics as criminal justice recidivism and civil citations. A LOOK AHEAD FCE is poised to continue its leadership role in provid- ing high-quality degree and professional develop- ment programs to educators, school change-agents, educational researchers, and P–12 school and univer- sity practitioners and leaders. FCE also oŒers pro- grams for safety professionals and leaders that create unique opportunities and programs for students and their communities including school safety, child protection, conflict management, emergency pre- paredness leadership, and community planning. FCE is accredited by the National Council for Accredi- tation of Teacher Education (NCATE), a “gold standard” validation of its high-quality teacher preparation and educational leadership programs.