2019 NSU Fact book

118 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY University Graduates Nova Southeastern University has educated significant numbers of minority students when compared to other colleges and universities in Florida and across the country. The following facts (using the most recent IPEDS data available) place NSU’s contribution in some perspective: n Analysis of data from the National Center for Educa- tion Statistics IPEDS Data Center for four-year, private, nonprofit, degree-granting institutions nationally revealed that in academic year 2015–2016, NSU ranked 15th in total degrees awarded and fourth in the total number of degrees awarded to students from all racial/ ethnic minorities combined. NSU ranked first in total degrees awarded to Hispanic and fourth in total degrees to black or African American students. With regard to master’s degrees, NSU ranked tenth overall, fourth in degrees to all minority students, second to Hispanic, and third to black or African American. For combined doctoral and first-professional degrees, NSU ranked first nationally in total degrees awarded, awards to all minorities, and awards to Hispanics. NSU ranked second nationally in awards to black or African Ameri- can students. n NSU awarded 21 percent of all doctoral and first- professional degrees that were conferred in Florida in 2014–2015 by the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida and the Florida public universities combined. Table 10 Degrees Conferred July 2017 to June 2018 Demographic Bachelor’s Master’s Specialist Doctoral Professional All Degrees By Gender Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Female 923 72.1% 2,287 74.0% 167 84.8% 680 70.4% 525 57.6% 4,651 70.8% Male 358 27.9% 805 26.0% 30 15.2% 286 29.6% 386 42.4% 1,918 29.2% By Ethnicity Black 210 16.4% 624 20.2% 94 47.7% 265 27.4% 55 6.0% 1,268 19.3% Hispanic 398 31.1% 818 26.5% 23 11.7% 210 21.7% 261 28.6% 1,734 26.4% NRA 74 5.8% 194 6.3% 0 0% 19 2.0% 64 7.0% 374 5.7% Other Minority 176 13.7% 254 8.2% 5 2.5% 54 5.6% 200 22.0% 701 10.7% Unknown 29 2.3% 232 7.5% 10 5.1% 80 8.3% 32 3.5% 401 6.1% White 394 30.8% 970 31.4% 65 33.0% 338 35.0% 299 32.8% 2,091 31.8% University Total 1,281 100% 3,092 100% 197 100% 966 100% 911 100% 6,569 100%