2018 NSU Fact Book

28 A multimillion dollar “Cooperative Development Grant” totaling approximately $3.9 million was awarded to the university by the U.S. Department of Education. The grant, from the DOE’s Hispanic- Serving Institutions Division, is the single largest Title V award received by the university. NSU is one of only four institutions in the nation to receive the Cooperative Development Grant and the only college or university in the state of Florida to receive this award for FY 2013. Named to the 2013 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), NSU received the highest honor a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service- learning, and civic engagement. NSU was named in IDG’s Computerworld 2013 List of 100 Best Places to Work in Information Technology. The listing, compiled by the Computerworld editorial team, is based on a comprehensive questionnaire regarding company offerings in categories such as benefits, diversity, career development, training, and retention, as well as a worker satisfaction survey completed by a random sampling of IT employees at the participating organizations. 2014 NSU’s Master of Science Program in Marriage and Family Therapy received full accreditation for the maximum number of years allowed with zero stipulations from COAMFTE in December 2014. Construction on NSU’s Center for Collaborative Research (CCR) began and is to be completed in 2016. This facility will provide wet labs for many of NSU’s innovative researchers, as well as a General Clinical Research Center—an outpatient facility that will provide a centralized clinical research infrastructure to benefit investigators in multiple disciplines. The CCR will also house NSU’s Institute for Neuro- Immune Medicine; Rumbaugh-Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research; the Emil Buehler Research Center for Engineering, Science, and Mathematics; and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). NSU’s Oceanographic Center received approximately $8.5 million from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI). The university is one of 12 organizations selected to receive part of $140 million for continued research in the area of oil spills and response to them. The university received two Title V grants totaling approximately $7 million to help increase the number of Hispanic and other minority students pursuing degrees in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, and prepare them for careers in these growing sectors and post-baccalaureate computer science-related degrees. Florida’s Agency for Healthcare Administration issued its approval for HCA East Florida’s application to relocate Plantation General Hospital to NSU’s Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus. The hospital will be the anchor tenant in the Academical Village. As a cornerstone of this project, HCA began constructing an emergency room at NSU’s University Park Plaza, which is set to open in mid-2015. 2015 In 2015, NSU restructured its colleges, schools, and centers with the goal of maximizing and leveraging graduate and professional degree programs to attract the best and brightest undergraduate students. As a result, all of the degree programs and initiatives housed within the former Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences were repositioned to other NSU colleges; many schools, colleges, and centers were renamed; colleges established academic discipline-based departments; and two new colleges were established. NSU is now at the forefront of conducting pioneering cell-based biomedical research with the launch of the new The NSU Cell Therapy Institute, an international collaboration with prominent medical research scientists from Sweden’s world-renowned Karolinska Institutet (KI). The NSU Cell Therapy Institute will be located in the university’s Center for Collaborative Research (CCR), one of the largest and most-advanced research facilities in Florida, at 215,000, square feet, with state- of-the-art laboratories. In addition, 2015 was a year of accolades for NSU programs and offerings, including the following: