2017 Fact Book

It’s a wonderful time to be an NSU Shark! We had another breakthrough year in 2016 and I would like to share a few of the highlights. Our first comprehensive fund-raising campaign, Realizing Potential , kicked off its public phase in 2016, and we are pleased to report that NSU has surpassed the $160-million benchmark of the $250-million goal we set out to raise through philanthropic donations. Our three campaign priorities are $125 million for our students, $75 million for our faculty/research, and $50 million for 21st-century education. Research is integral for the success of all three priorities, and it also is the focus of our concurrent efforts to raise an additional $300 million in sponsored research, service, and training projects. All combined, through philanthropy and sponsored projects, we are raising more than half a billion dollars to take NSU to new heights. Groundbreaking research is the cornerstone of NSU’s Center for Collaborative Research, which opened in 2016 after years of anticipation. This 215,000-square-foot, six-story facility houses researchers and scientists from multiple disciplines who work together to make scientific advances that promise to improve the lives of all Americans, and well beyond our borders. As part of Realizing Potential , community leaders Rick and Rita Case established a scholarship endowment to attract outstanding undergraduate students. In honor of the Cases’ gift and ongoing support, the university officially named its arena in the Don Taft University Center, The Rick Case Arena. The Rick Case Arena will host athletic competitions, concerts, shows, the university’s open house, and other internal and external programs. For the first time ever, U.S. News & World Report ranked NSU at 214 out of more than 4,000 colleges and universities in the country. We are also pleased to share that several of NSU’s academic programs were recently recognized by U.S. News &World Report : the criminal justice graduate program was ranked 26th out of 41, the education graduate program ranked 84th out of approximately 200 (up 11 spots from the previous year), and the nursing program ranked 47th out of more than 100 ranked programs (up two spots from the previous year). We are proudly wearing our badges. viii Message from the President