2017 Fact Book

Ronald G. Assaf, Chair Barry J. Silverman, M.D., Vice Chair George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D., President and CEO Samuel F. Morrison, Secretary Walter Lee Banks, Sr. Mitchell W. Berger, J.D. Rick Case R. Douglas Donn Arthur J. Falcone Silvia M. Flores, M.D. Steven J. Halmos Carol Harrison Kalagher Susanne Hurowitz Mike Jackson Milton L. Jones, Jr. Barbara Trebbi Landry Alan B. Levan Nell Lewis McGuire, Ed.D. Albert J. Miniaci Anthony N. Ottaviani, D.O. Charles L. Palmer Martin R. Press, J.D. Paul M. Sallarulo J. Kenneth Tate Zachariah P. Zachariah, M.D. Michael J. Zager Ex Officio Melanie G. May, J.D. George I. Platt, J.D. Joel B. Ronkin Tony Segreto Trustee Emeritus H. Wayne Huizenga 32 As of June 2017 Board of Trustees