2017 Fact Book

21 1973 The Center for Public Affairs and Administration was established. The Graduate Management Program was implemented. 1974 The Center for the Study of Law was established. The board of trustees voted to change the university’s name to Nova University, Inc. 1975 The Center for the Study of Law received provisional accreditation from the American Bar Association (ABA). Nova University received full accreditation for a 10-year period from SACS. The Master’s Degree Program in Computer Science was established. 1976 Nova College was established at the Fort Lauderdale/ Davie Campus. 1977 The first class of the Center for the Study of Law graduated. 1978 Doctoral programs in business administration began within the Graduate Management Program. 1979 The Center for the Study of Law moved to the university’s east campus site. The Institute for Marine and Coastal Studies opened at the Oceanographic Center. 1980 The Center for the Advancement of Education was created. The Center for the Study of Administration was established. The center was the precursor to the School of Business and Entrepreneurship. Nova College received accreditation from SACS in December. 1981 The Southeastern College of Osteopathic Medicine admitted its charter class as an independent institution. The Nova University Mailman-Family Center building was dedicated. The Florida School of Professional Psychology merged into Nova University, and the Psy.D. degree in clinical psychology was offered. The Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology received full accreditation from the American Psychological Association. 1982 The Center for the Study of Law received full accreditation from the American Bar Association. 1983 Anew90-unit dormitorywas openedon the Fort Lauderdale/ Davie Campus. The Psy.D. Program in Clinical Psychology received accreditation from the American Psychological Association. The Master’s Degree Program in Speech-Language Pathology was established. The Doctor of Arts in Information Sciences Program was created and received approval from SACS. The Ralph J. Baudhuin Oral School was acquired as a part of the Family Center.